
Mostrando entradas de 2020


GUAU! It is truly difficult for me to choose my favorite series, I love watching series, but I must say, that my favorite series is “Malcolm in the middle”, it is one of the funnier and entertainment series that I had watched.  It has everything, laughs, crying, so much drama, but the most important it´s that you could  see the series every day in any moment and you won’t tired from watching it. Seriously, is the best series I would ever saw. I have an especial feeling for “Malcolm in the middle”. I have seen it since I was 4 or 5 years old. And I still love it, I can see every chapter and I don’t get bored, it´s one of that series that can’t bored you, I truly recommend it I could recommend you a lot of series, but for me, “Malcom” it´s perfect for anytime, you can watch it  alone, to spent some time with yourself or maybe with your family or your friend, it doesn’t matter, you will spend a very good time anyway.  


Well, the trued is that I don´t remember the whole context of the photo. But I  remember that "It was a beautiful moment". My family and I went for summer holidays to Frutillar, I remember when i said that "I don’t like travel to the  south of Chile, because the travel and the place are so bored". But nowdays  I think very different, the problem was that, I didn’t knew how to appreciate the beautiful scenery that I had in front of me. If I had the chance of going again to Frutillar, I would immediately say YEEES!!! Well, going back to the photograph, the moment happened (as you can see) on a sculpture of a piano with a view that you would love at the first look. As a family, we don’t have to many photos, I don’t know why, but that photograph is one of the few that we had, and when I think in that moment I laugh every time I remember it. Another beautiful moment (in the same place)


In this moment I don’t know if I have a favorite band or artist, but I like some artist and bands that I really enjoy listening to their music.  For example, a few years ago my favorite band was “Twenty One Pilots” I loved the music that they made, but for some reason, nowadays I don’t listening very often, it doesn’t mean that I don’t like their music or the band anymore, but I don’t have the same interest as before. Instead, in this moments I listening to music of many types, different bands and artist, like Sam Smith, Adelle, Panic at the disco! or BlanckPink among others, but for some reason, recently I'm listening to bands like Los Prisioneros or Los Tres.   But actually, I would say that in this moment, one of my favorite artist is Dua Lupa, I love her  songs, her lyrics and her style. I feel that her music is very active, and I believe that her voice is unique and striking. 

Blog 3: My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is the TV. For me it is one of the technology devices more useful that we could have, although we don’t use it as much as before, I still think that television can give us many ways of entertainment. For example, if you like, you can play video games, or watch videos or series, with anyone you prefer, maybe with your family, with a friend or even spend some time with yourself. But I think it is much better if you had access to internet for the TV or cable, because the options of entertainment and fun can be more. In the case you don’t have internet, with the cable access you also can watch movies, or see the news if you prefer, I think it’s much better this way, because tv could be a source of entertainment that can last for a long time.

Blog 2: The reason why I chose this career

The trued is that, it was difficult for me, take a decision for what I wanted to study. At first, I didn't know what I wanted to do in the future.   So, I started to investigate different options, but anyone got my attention. Until one day, my boyfriend talks about public administration, that career catches me, so I searched it and I finally decided. I'm studying public administration, because I wanted to do something that I knew I would be good and truly enjoy it. It is important to me because one day when I'll thinking about it, I could say "I made the right decision"   I haven't been studying this career for a long time, but I know that I loved it and I am so happy in these moment with my decision.

Blog 1: A little introduction

HI! Mi name is Constanza, I am 19 years old, i was born in Talca on January 12, 2001. WHEN WE WERE ONLY THREE My family and I stayed in Talca until I was three years old, then we had to moved out. Since then we have been living in Santiago. We moved many times, until we finally found a place that we can call home. The next year that I graduated from my school I did the PSU and I got in to the University to study public admnistration. SUDDENLY YOU CAME TO MY LIFE